We believe that access to trustworthy information is foundational to constructive public discourse and a healthy democracy. The following principles guide the editorial content created by Pike Origin.  These principles are inspired by the Society for Professional Journalists Code of Ethics and Online News Association Ethics Code. Learn more about Pike Origin at pikeorigin.com/about-us or contact the Origin Team at founder@pikeorigin.com. 

Journalism Biases: We believe that a sustainable, healthy, and fulfilling life should be the end goal in life.  People should have an opportunity to be themselves, learn about the world, and be in balance with our natural world. Our journalism serves to reflect these views, and serve the best interests of the community’s members and partners. Our editorial decisions are driven by the values of Pike Origin. 

Business: Our editorial content is financially supported by donations and sales through our Patreon, sponsors and affiliates (denoted in content), and capital investments from the founders.  Our content focuses on building a more sustainable world, which will involve a number of stakeholders, but most importantly will be a result of large-scale culture change. It is Pike Origin’s educational business that helps share foundational knowledge and promote leading voices to accomplish this exact culture change.

Self-Reporting: We recognize that we cannot objectively cover some stories about our organization and partners. We will report on the progress of Pike Origin and our community on the action that we have collectively taken toward our vision of a sustainable future. If we feel that objective coverage is not possible on a topic, given our biases, we will refrain from coverage, knowing that other organizations will do so more effectively.

Advertising: We accept select advertising and sponsorship that may appear in our editorial content (denoted in content). However, we do not let external advertisers participate in our editorial process to maintain the integrity of our analysis. 

Staff and Contributors: Our editorial content is produced by the Origin Team and freelance contributors who volunteer their work. We do not pay sources. 

Diversity: We are committed to growing coverage and representation of age, women, people of color, LGBTQ+ people and people with disabilities. We seek out writers and sources with diverse backgrounds and perspectives to tell stories about their communities.

Accountability: We seek to minimize harm in our reporting. We follow publishing industry standards for basic facts and attribution. We strive to create and report factual and accurate information for our audiences. We strive to correct factual errors quickly, completely and visibly. If you believe you find a factual error, please contact founder@pikeorigin.com with a description of the error and a link.