Home for Sustainable Business and Climate Solutions

Definition: Climate Solution

On the Edge – Ngorongoro Crater, Tanzania. Copyright Pike Origin LLC.

What is a climate solution?


A climate solution is a product or service that reduces or avoids greenhouse gas emissions, minimizes waste, or improves the quality of land and the built environment, air, or water from current conditions. They may be natural or built, but should not sacrifice the quality of land, air, water, human health, or natural biodiversity within an ecosystem.

Example used in a sentence

A company recently implemented multiple climate solutions to reduce their scope 1 emissions and reduce their waste.

Why is this definition important?

There is common confusion in the phrase “climate solution” because it can be used in different contexts and mean different things. For example, a city may pursue “climate solutions” through civil planning which may refer to energy efficiency building requirements, or a business may invest in a “climate solution” such as installing solar panels, and for an individual it may be starting a home garden.  The point is that these “solutions” range from something that is created via public policy or can be purchased depending on the context. These also can range in size and scale.

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Note: This is a working definition that was developed using internal research methods and analysis and was published after undergoing the Pike Origin Peer Review Process.