Home for Sustainable Business and Climate Solutions

Origin Report #3


Redesigning American Businesses to become Earth Positive

Welcome to Origin Report #3

This report covers:

  • Earth Appreciation Photo of the Month
  • Article: Understanding the Key Stakeholders in the Climate Transition
  • Climate Tool Box

Earth Appreciation Photo of the Month

A cool oasis in the desert – Joshua Tree, California

Understanding the Key Stakeholders in the Climate Transition

Accomplishing climate goals is a function of the total effort of each of these stakeholders’ impacts. Therefore, organizations that can create leverage across multiple stakeholders are the most likely to succeed in the climate transition. 

Stakeholder Profiles:

Government and Intergovernmental Organizations

Government plays the essential role of providing public goods and services to its citizens. They are authoritative legal entities, control budgets, and in democracies are elected by the people. Intergovernmental organizations such as the United Nations, provide a platform for governments to discuss climate issues.

Their influence – The government plays important roles in public lands, right-of-ways, permitting, licensing, legal regulations and requirements, collect and host authoritative environmental data, and make investments. Some of these major investments are in the following legislation:

How can you or your business create leverage? – Vote, participate in local town halls and planning meetings, apply for grants, or partner with economic development offices.

Non-governmental organizations

Non-governmental organizations such as environmental and humanitarian organizations operate as mission focused entities and provide advocacy, legal council, resilience operations, and crisis response aid to communities. 

Their influence – These organizations are typically the first to respond to natural disasters, humanitarian crises, and organize against environmental and social degradation. Generally funding for these organizations come through donations or government grants. 

How can you or your business create leverage?  – Strategic partnering through volunteering or providing support services to these organizations can help drive change for the better.

Businesses and Industry

Business and industry will be the “builders” of the climate transition. For climate mitigation and adaptation businesses are responsible for innovating, inventing, and ultimately delivering and implementing climate solutions. 

Their influence – these organizations are the key to our economic and social lives. They also have a significant impact on the environment around them. 

How can you or your business create leverage?  – Leverage is grounded in strategic partnerships and other business relationships. It also helps to anticipate and embrace change. 

Note: The what, why, when, and how businesses consider sustainability and climate implications is the focus of Pike Origin’s research and development. Future editions of the Origin Report will provide deeper dives into industries and business models.

Research and Scientific Communities

This is a group of professionals, experts, and PhD’s in climate and technology research. Organizations like these overlap across academia, government, business, and nonprofits. These organizations play an integral role in advancing scientific knowledge using rigorous peer reviews and testing practices. 

Their influence – These organizations develop technologies, identify trends in the Earth’s climate, and advance methods, frameworks, and guidelines pertaining to sustainable development. 

How can you or your business create leverage? – Rigorous research can be costly, which is why most of this research is completed at academic, and government institutions. To support this work, always give proper citations and credit, consider charitable giving, or participate in research.  


These are the storytellers and communication leaders of the climate transition. In recent times, this group has experienced the most rapid change as the “business” of media has shifted away from traditional outlets to non-traditional outlets throughout the internet age. However, the importance of this community should not be lost. 

Their influence –  Media drives pop-culture and provides near-real time updates to current events worldwide. The storytelling and communication that this group influences is essential to 

How can you or your business create leverage? – In short, establish your unique voice. There are many forms of media, from social media to mass-media, but they are both means of sharing your story with your community. Exercise it to help educate others. 

Local Communities

This group is made up of integral community members, these can include the educational system, local planning groups, local charities, small businesses, youth sports and other community organizations and events. For climate solutions to succeed in this stakeholder group, climate solution developers will need to be creative to satisfy the needs of the community as a whole. 

Their influence – This group is the most influential on individuals as they make up in-person relationships, traditions, and support local culture. 

How can you or your business create leverage? – Lead and maintain active participation within communities, establish groups for good causes, and provide support to the community. Working closely with essential groups such as education and local planning can help promote sustainable development. 


Health and wellness is at the core of individual and organizational resilience, since people are the heartbeat of any organization. Public health is also a core function of human resilience, which ought to be a consideration given climate change continues to increase the likelihood of viruses. 

Their influence – These entities are responsible for promoting and providing health services and act as anchor institutions within localities (providing high-paying jobs). 

How can you or your business create leverage? – Take a proactive and preventative approach to you and your team’s health. Prioritize taking time for both physical and mental health, eat nutritious food, and check in with health professionals regularly. 

Special interests

These are made up of trade and labor unions, business associations, and activists. Their role is to spread awareness of the perspectives within their respective communities. When it comes to climate solutions, these groups typically attempt to favor or unfavorably influence public policy. 

Their influence – Depending on the specific special interest, they provide a voice for the people they represent in negotiations, policy advocacy, community engagement, among other services. 

The Climate Toolbox:

Shared language: Definition of Climate Action Plan

Standards: Verra is a leading greenhouse gas credit issuer. They have a number of standards and requirements to earn carbon credits that can be sold in the voluntary carbon markets. 

Tool: Establish your net-zero goals using the University of Oxford’s principles for a net zero commitment. 

