Our Story

In 2021, in the middle of the COVID pandemic we sat around a bonfire discussing our jobs.  We were each working 60+hours a week and playing corporate politics. It simply was not sustainable for us or the planet. As two young men from the Midwest who believe in teamwork, honesty, and the common good, we needed to find a new strategy

As kids, we always were brainstorming business ideas, a symptom of becoming caddies at 14 and sons of a entrepreneurial salesman and a middle school social studies teacher.  For us, the point of business was never a “get rich quick” or a means of building a big house or imposing power on others. Rather, business to us was about creating freedom for ourselves and helping others.  These were the seeds of Pike Origin. 

Climate change is the single biggest challenge for our generation. Sadly, as we grew up most of our childhood debate was focused on whether or not global warming was a hoax and turned political throughout the 2000s and 2010s.  However, we could see it before our eyes. The pond hockey season was shortened due to melting ice and our summer garden struggled due to heat and dryness.  Pike Origin’s goal is to help solve this challenge through rethinking how business gets done.

As students of the social sciences, we know that our world is rapidly changing both in our natural environment and with the onset of the information age. We recognized that these changes are creating massive systemic challenges as well as unique opportunities for new revenue streams, operating models, and community building. This realization at the bonfire in 2020, kicked off the beginning of Pike Origin when we set out to build the business of the future. 

Over the next two years we broke down what business meant to us, what it means to the world around us, and how it impacts our planet.  We began to interview business owners, policy makers, writers, engineers, and data analysts to understand what is driving business decisions and how those decisions relate to climate change, emissions, waste, and public health. We also dove deep into studying organizations and their functions and structures to find out how a single decision can impact multiple facets of our society.  Through this, we started designing our vision for a sustainable world and developing approaches to transform business to be Earth Positive.

In 2022, we founded Pike Origin. Pike Origin is our platform to paint the picture of a sustainable business and collaborate with a community of business leaders pursuing this common goal. It’s more than just reaching net-zero, it’s building a foundation of values and systems that work for both business and the health of the planet. 

Today, our community is collaborating to build sustainable small businesses right here, right now. We are actively searching for opportunities for partnerships, joint ventures, and shared projects to meet our own sustainability goals and we look forward to sharing our pursuit with you.

We invite you to join us on our journey. Thank you for being a part of this venture and we look forward to meeting with you. 


The Origin Team

P.S.  This journey requires consideration of many factors in economics, politics, culture, and the environment as a whole. Our Origin Report is our analysis, our lessons learned, and our approaches to a sustainable business. We hope that our experience will help you reach your goals.