Pike Origin Carbon Market Directory

Disclaimer: Pike Origin has assembled the directory below through independent research and we do not specifically endorse any organization below (unless otherwise noted).  Pike Origin shall not be held liable for any action of the firms below. When selecting partnerships or purchases, Pike Origin recommends to complete your own independent due diligence. We also do not believe that this list is inclusive of all possible vendors or partners, therefore you believe a firm should be included, please contact us directly. 

Carbon Credit Verifiers:

Carbon Credit Accreditation: 

Carbon Credit Exchanges – These are marketplaces that allow buying and selling of credits:

Carbon Credit Retailers & Developers – These are companies that build, manage, and sell carbon credits directly to individuals and businesses.

Carbon Credit Raters: 

Carbon Credit Management and Tracking:

Did we miss you? Please send us a message and we can add you to our directory!